Previously Asked Questions
Here's a list of every question we've answered from past Q&A videos. Click a question to immediately see the answer. Please wait at least one year to re-ask questions.
Search questions:
Winter 2018: Stephen + Friends Edition
- How did everyone meet Stephen?
- Have you ever been recognized due to appearing on Stephen’s channel?
- How did Cheffcon come to be? Who came up with the idea? How did it evolve to happen at Stephen and Mal’s place?
- Where would you travel to if you could go anywhere?
- What was everybody’s first job?
- Why does Chaz win at everything? Is he a real wizard?
- While traveling on a group vacation, your plane crashes on an undiscovered island—who would survive the longest and why?
- What’s your favorite Stephen + Friends game?
- What’s the worst food or drink Stephen has forced you to try?
Fall 2018
- As a video game collector, what is your opinion of case spines (uniformity, collector’s editions, etc)?
- Has there ever been an LP that you did not enjoy playing?
- With almost all of your 20’s on video, how do you feel about that decade of your life? Do you have any advice for someone who will be 20 soon? What do you want out of your 30’s?
- Do you ever regret that your life is so public?
- MalMakes is nearly 3 years old - is there still a plan to branch out to other content?
- What are you looking for in your next place?
- If you were both full-time YouTubers, but not in your current positions, what would you pursue?
- What was your reaction to finding out Ness (and later, Lucas) were part of the Smash Bros series?
- Mal, who is your favorite Sailor Scout? Also: Luna or Artemis?
- What’s up with Stephen’s weird tooth?
- Which of your parents are you more similar to? (Personality, quirks, etc.)
Summer 2018
- Are you ever annoyed with references or jokes from old projects?
- Mal, what was your experience at Culver’s like?
- What’s the biggest challenge as a cat owner?
- What is Chaz’s role in the production of your videos?
- Do you have an interest in creating scripted content?
- Your parents have a piano in their living room. Does it have a story, and who plays it?
- Why are some playlists reverse chronological on StephenPlays?
- How do you choose your phone and computer wallpapers?
- Mal, what’s your favorite and least favorite things to paint?
- Do you ever run out of room on your hard drives?
- After you finish the GameCube library, what collection are you focusing on next?
- Watching through the entire StephenVlog library is referred to as taking “The Journey”. Where did that name come from?
Spring 2018
- Why are Q&A’s seasonal now?
- During the vlog end screen, you advertise let’s plays and paintings from that date, and not your current stuff. Why?
- Mal, how did you balance starting MalMakes while still teaching?
- It’s been two years (as of May 2018) since Mal resigned. How is your mental health now, and how does it compare to back then?
- How do you track Sagan and Kepler’s weights?
- What shaped you into cat people?
- Mal, how did you combat homesickness during your first couple of months living with Stephen?
- Stephen, do you think you’d still be a workaholic if you had a different career path?
- How do you prefer your tea and coffee?
December 2017
- Dan and Lindsey, why did you move to Myrtle beach?
- What do you like best about living in Myrtle Beach?
- Is there anything you miss from your hometowns or places you moved from? And if there’s anything from home (like a favorite restaurant or landmark) you could bring to Myrtle Beach, what would you pick?
- Have you ever been out of the United States, and where did you go?
- How much did all of you party in college?
- Lindsey, what did you go to college for? What are you doing now?
- Did you ever think you would work from home? How do you manage your own schedules and work/life balance?
- What were your favorite and least favorite school field trips?
- Lindsey, how did you get into scrapbooking? Can we see some of your work? And can you give us some insight on your creation process?
- Dan, what is it like editing videos for StephenPlays?
- What are some nicknames you've had?
- Do you have a favorite video game of all time?
- What’s the WORST thing you have ever eaten. Was it in a restaurant? Recipe gone bad? Something a loved one made? Tell me. Please.
- Will you make any additional episodes of your animated series The Art School?
- Are Lindsey and Dan a couple or just roommates?
November 2017
- What were your most enjoyable college classes?
- Since starting the vlog, do you feel your memory has improved?
- Would you ever write or illustrate a book?
- Do you have a favorite type of BBQ?
- Mal, when you were teaching, did any of your students find you on YouTube before/after MalMakes?
- Have either of you ever bleached or dyed your hair?
- When did you realize that your online buddies were real friends, and how did your parents respond?
- If neither of you had to work, what would your schedules be like?
- When you return to Japan, what are some things you’d like to do (that you missed the first time), and who would you travel with?
- Why does Hayley call Kepler "Kenneth"?
October 2017
- How do you know Lindsey?
- What’s the most time-consuming part of video creation?
- How do you decide when to update your equipment?
- Which college classes did you find difficult or unenjoyable?
- Could Earthbound ever become your second favorite game ever?
- Have you ever considered creating paintings larger than 18x24?
- How long do viewers have to submit Memorable Moments?
- Any stories about complete strangers that are hilarious or weird?
- Do you feel that your high school experience prepared you for college?
- Can you discuss your experiences keeping a dream journal?
September 2017
- Did you ever write each other love letters?
- Would you consider doing sponsored videos, or mentioning Lootcrate, Audible, Crunchyroll, etc?
- Fobbies Are Borange is ten years old! What are you still really proud of, and what would you have done differently?
- How active are you on your Patreon Discord server?
- Mal, do the people who buy your original canvases keep in touch with you, or give you updates?
- How do you decide which console to purchase a multiplatform game for?
- How often is your Video Game Collection list updated?
- When did you learn to ride bicycles? Did you have any trouble?
- Some StephenPlays series show both your and Mal’s perspectives simultaneously. Why doesn’t that happen more frequently?
- What do you think of the Wisconsin cheese stereotype? What are your favorite types of cheese?
August 2017
- How far ahead do you plan your projects, and when starting how do you determine how long it will last?
- Stephen, did your parents consider having more children after you, and what was it like growing up as an only child? Was there a time you wanted siblings?
- Mal, what reactions do you have when eating peanuts or touching latex? Stephen, do you have any allergies?
- How do you record everyone’s voices for Stephen & Friends?
- Have you guys considered creating a Discord server?
- Do either of you listen to ASMR?
- Mal, what is your beauty secret for keeping your skin so perfect?
- Why do you and Dan exchange video files physically and not online?
- Have you ever seen a negative comment and held a grudge against that person?
- Stephen, what happened to your hand?
- Did you enjoy getting your pictures taken for the school yearbook/newspaper? Were you guys featured in it at any point?
July 2017
- Mal, where did you get that Pikachu shirt?
- Any plans for the solar eclipse?
- How do you choose games to record for Stephen and Friends?
- Mal, when did your parents divorce and how did it affect you?
- Do you think you’ll ever have to slow the release of Memorable Moments?
- Have you ever wanted to cancel or change a series after starting it?
- When someone appears on the vlog for the first time, how do you ask them for permission? Has there ever been someone who didn’t want to appear at all?
- How much does it cost to produce an episode of MalMakes?
- When do you know the time is right for marriage, and what do you think the most important / best part of a relationship is?
- What is your favorite gaming console? What's your favorite to collect for?
- Do you have a favorite quote or saying?
June 2017
- Do you ever consider color correcting the vlogs or do you think the camera's auto white balance is fine?
- What caused your love for Carl Sagan?
- On a recent vlog (5.17.17) you can see a Journey painting in one scene. What’s the story behind that?
- Mal, how do you compare MalMakes to your old job? What are the pros and cons of each?
- What sports did you play when you were young?
- What kind of car do you have, and why did you pick it specifically?
- What are the pros and cons of marrying at a young age?
- You both very rarely use profanity. Why?
- Do you have any guilty pleasure purchases?
- Did you find it weird watching yourself under anesthesia, and did you say anything that surprised you?
May 2017
- When did you get your first cell phone? What was it and did it have any apps on it? How many cell phones have you had?
- Of all the trips you've been on (since the vlog started), which one was your favorite?
- Why are you doing 2 Stephen and Mal LP's at the same time now? What prompted the change?
- How do you record audio with your interface? Is everyone's audio all on one track or are they separate?
- What's one purchase you made that influenced your life for the better?
- How do you keep up on trends with technology when deciding on new equipment such as mics or cameras? Are there certain websites you use, or do you go by word of mouth?
- What's your stance on buying new consoles?
- How did you both budget when you first started living together and do you have any advice for a new couple moving in together?
- What SD card do you use for your vlog camera?
- Stephen, you've grown up in the south, and Mallory, you've grown up in Wisconsin. Neither of you have strong accents, so can you both try a "southern" accent and a "Wisconsin" accent?
April 2017
- Why do you wear contacts over glasses?
- How do the cats react to your ever-changing sleep schedule? Do they sync up with you, or do they attempt to wake you up when they want love/food/etc?
- Any weird beach stories involving peculiar people?
- How do you guys motivate yourselves?
- Mal, has anyone called you Lory before?
- Has doing the vlog changed how you travel?
- Recording alone vs with friends: how is it different, and which is harder?
- In college, how did you split the bills (groceries, gas, etc.) with your roommates?
- If you had faster upload speeds, how would it affect scheduling and/or outputting content?
- What happened during Stephen’s driver’s ed?
March 2017
- In your opinion does pineapple belong on pizza?
- What are your feelings on sponsorship and affiliate links?
- With Patreon to help supplement your income, do you feel like you can do more lesser known and niche games now that you don't have to worry as much about getting views/money?
- Are you supporters of the LGBT+ community? And do you know anyone within the community?
- Have you discussed baby names?
- I have little to no experience with D&D, but my friends need a DM. What’s the fastest way to fill that role?
- Was it difficult getting your driver’s license? Also, Mal, do you still remember how to drive stick shift?
- Favorite Seinfeld character?
- You announce your LP’s before their release, whereas others keep them a secret. Why?
- Can you edit you and Mal to be Super Saiyan?
February 2017
- What were your thoughts from The Midas Tree? Being a player/DM? Differences of a Stephen DM vs Thomas DM?
- What do you like on your salads?
- What keyboard and mouse do you use?
- Do you ever disagree with each other on an aspect or idea for your channels? If so, what is the process?
- How do you handle gaps in commentary?
- Do the cats ever interrupt things with fighting, hissing, etc?
- Why do you prioritize StephenPlays over StephenVlog when you leave town? Last time this question was answered you said it was because you could Pre-Record LP's. With a backlog of vlogs, does this reason still stand?
- How do you decide what music you're using for your videos, and can you use any music you want?
- Is there a food you refuse to try?
- Mal, do you ever miss midwestern winters?
January 2017 (w/ Hayley and Alex)
- When/how did you first meet each other?
- How important is the culture that you grew up with and how does it affect you where you currently live?
- Hayley, why don't you upload to YouTube anymore?
- What do you love most about streaming?
- Do you miss college and being together?
- How did Stephen ask for permission to film you?
- What was the most stressful assignment you had in college?
- Is knowing ASL a job requirement, or do you guys use interpreters?
- If you were to do a LP together, what would it be?
- How uncomfortable is it having us ask you all of this intrusive questions?
December 2016
- How has Dan been doing on the editing? Have you had to make any changes to his edits? What are your future plans for him editing your content?
- How do you backup the videos you produce? Do you keep any unused or raw footage?
- How does “guest” content work on StephenPlays? Do they ask you, or do you ask them? Any reason why most of your guests are your personal friends and not other YouTubers?
- Whenever you host or participate in a collab video, do the participating people get a cut of the video profits? Or is there some other agreement, like participating in a future video?
- Do you perfect dark, milk, or white chocolate?
- Did you shoot 30 Days of NES Classic in one day?
- Have you both recorded simultaneously in the new place? Are there any adjustments that could improve the audio?
- What equipment enables you to hook-up your classic consoles to more modern TV’s?
- How do you store your game manuals? Do the manuals fit in Universal Game Cases?
- We don’t see much affection (cuddling, kissing, etc) on the vlog - does that happen much offscreen?
November 2016
- What Halloween costumes did you wear as kids?
- Stephen, do you help with the housework (cleaning, cooking, laundry, etc.)?
- Lately it seems that viewers are pushing for longer content on StephenPlays. Do you see 30 minute episodes for all LP's (besides Fallout 4) becoming the norm in the future?
- What is Justin's job, what was his profession, and what school did he go to?
- Is there anyone that you've wanted to meet that you haven't already met?
- How long did you two date before you started to openly talk about marrying each other?
- When you go to a convention, have Jon or Emile ever asked you to help out with Thrown Controllers?
- Do you announce that you’re going to start filming, or do you just do it? Mal, when you’re filming, do you choose what to shoot, or does Stephen direct you?
- Now that you have a house, will the kitties be allowed outside?
- You're with each other more than ever—do you still have date night and quality time together?
October 2016
- How has Mal being at home (due to leaving her position as an art teacher) had an effect on your lives? Does Mal need to be quiet while Stephen records his solo LPs? Does Stephen adjust his commentary if he's recording while Mal's there?
- Now that Mal is also working from home, have the two of you noticed a change in your dynamic?
- Would you ever consider hosting your own con panel and if so, what would the subject be?
- What is your favorite TV Game Show?
- How would you respond to someone who says that the college vlogs are better than the present vlogs?
- For your mail and Q&A's, do you ever use the white umbrella lights used for MalMakes, or do you just use lighting from your kitchen and living room?
- Where does the “end of vlog” sound effect come from?
- How do you choose which videos to use in the vlog endslates (for Stephenplays and MalMakes)? How do you decide when to change them?
- When you travel throughout the country, is there a go-to hotel you always try to book?
- You've said before that when you and Mal first got to know each other and started dating you talked like 16 hours a day. About what? Was there any communication awkwardness?
September 2016
- What’s your opinion of the Panasonic LUMIX GH4?
- What was the most challenging MalMakes painting to create? Which painting are you most proud of?
- Mal, do you still have some of your flexibility as a dancer and can you still do any dance moves?
- Has creating MalMakes gotten easier with time? Have there been any changes made to your process (planning, painting, or editing) that made it easier to produce videos?
- Day 2500 is approaching! Stephen, what kind of process and time is involved in creating the Fan Favorites videos?
- Since we are in the ‘marriage arc’ of StephenVlog, what's it like being one of the first married couples in your circle of friends, and what is it like watching your friends get married?
- What games do you both enjoy that have not been played on StephenPlays?
- What is your biggest regret?
- Did you ever get jealous the first year you were dating?
- What organizations were you part of in college?
- Why?
August 2016
- Do you plan to stay in the Myrtle Beach area?
- Has Mal or your parents completely taken the Journey?
- If you won $50 million what would you do? Would you keep doing YouTube?
- Stephen, have you ever tried painting?
- Was there a time or event in any of your channels when you noticed a sharp increase (or decrease) in viewership?
- How do the cats handle baths these days?
- What percentage of your student loans have you paid off, now that you’ve been out of school for 5 years?
- Mal, did your parent's divorce ever color or change your view on marriage?
- What is the age demographic for the three channels?
- Do you two have nicknames/terms of endearment for each other?
July 2016
- When filming vlogs in public places how often do people ask what you are doing?
- Do you recall memories as you saw them firsthand, or as you saw them through the camera lens?
- Does your hand ever hurt as a result of holding cameras over the years?
- How do you feel about Hamilton? Have you listened to the music?
- What made you decide to live on campus in a dorm, even after your freshman year?
- How many let’s play episodes do you produce in one average recording session?
- Which LP series best represents StephenPlays as a whole?
- Do your cats sleep in weird positions?
- Has your relationship with each other changed since getting cats?
- In 2011 you were asked about kids and said to ask again in 5 years. Now it’s been about 5 years, so has your stance changed?
June 2016
- Did you ever imagine Itoi would be on the vlog, and how surreal was it meeting him?
- Why does the Runaway Five (from Earthbound) have 6 members?
- What’s your favorite episode of King of the Hill, and who’s your favorite character?
- Mal, is there a project you tried that didn't work out? Either for your personal art or with your students.
- How do you decide on which colleges to consider, and attend?
- Would you consider a third pet?
- Stephen, as the biggest MalMakes fan, what video game do you want her to paint a picture from?
- What are some essential board games that everyone should play?
- How do you decide what your audience is and is not allowed to see or know about your life?
- PLEASE DON’T BREAK UP! How stress affects relationships and the problem with “perfect” video love.
May 2016
- Do you think about the vlog any differently when it's caught up versus when it's behind?
- Do you like grapefruits?
- When will we be able to see Phoenix Beyond?
- Is there any game genre you don’t like?
- How different is it having full creative control as opposed to partial creative control over your work as professional artists?
- What's your philosophy when it comes to titles and metadata?
- How steady are your hands when you're filming? Do you add stabilization in post? Has your hand gotten steadier over the years of vlogging?
- Stephen, have your parents ever been recognized by a viewer before?
- Have either of you ever had braces? If so how long did you have them for?
- Who is your favorite friend and why is it Hayley?
April 2016
- Mal, has appearing on Stephen’s channels helped improve your public speaking for teaching, and vice versa?
- Stephen, do you record more often when Mal is at home or at work? Mal, what do you do while Stephen is recording? Is it ever hard to be quiet?
- Mal, in the March 2015 Q&A, you said you didn’t like hearing your recorded voice. Now that you’re editing MalMakes, do you still feel the same?
- When you start a creative project, do you form a complete plan that you follow strictly, or start broad and see where it leads?
- Mal, have you ever had your ears pierced?
- How's YouTube Red been working out for your channels?
- Mal, would you ever do art commissions? And would you be comfortable if someone had a tattoo of your work?
- Stephen, after all the years of being self-employed, do you think you could switch easily to a 9to5 office/editor job?
- How do you feel about fans approaching you in a non-convention public setting?
- If you could ask your cats one question and get an understandable answer, what would you ask?
March 2016
- Mal, any struggles in living with a giant like Stephen?
- Stephen, what started your aquaphobia?
- Will MalMakes be strictly painting?
- Do you think you will get a new car in the near future?
- Do you ever cancel something on StephenPlays after it’s been recorded?
- Mal, what style of dance did you do?
- Is there anything that you didn't do in high school or college that, looking back, you wish you had done?
- Who is better at math?
- Mal, would you tell us more about your anxiety? What it's like for you? Any coping strategies?
- Is there going to be another long road trip? If so, where to?
February 2016
- What happens once the vlog has caught up?
- Will Mal get her own Patreon page?
- What were some of your projects in RPG Maker, and did you ever show them to friends, or release them to the public?
- When did you realize you loved each other?
- Do you guys trade or invest in stocks?
- When did the vlog outro begin, and who started it?
- How did your parents react to you going away to college, and how did you prepare for life on your own?
- Stephen, are you getting grey hair?
- What are your thoughts on the 2016 election?
- Stephen, can you do your best impersonation of Scatman John?
January 2016
- Summer was largely responsible for the vlog getting behind, and a huge source of stress. How do you plan to prevent that in Summer 2016?
- Would you consider MalMakes as a potential teaching tool for your students, or even providing education-specific videos separate from what you're doing so far?
- Stephen, now that you've been out of college for quite some time, are there any editing skills that you've forgotten or no longer use?
- What advice would you give for interviewing for a teaching job, and what advice would you give for the first few days/weeks/months of classes for a new teacher?
- When you are planning a painting for MalMakes, is it difficult to brainstorm ideas or does it just come naturally? How do you choose a game and what to paint?
- How did you start using Apple products?
- I know Mal and Hayley have cosplayed for PAX before, but do either of you have future cosplay plans?
- Mal, the reaction to MalMakes has been extremely positive. How do you feel about the reaction? Did you expect this response to the channel and your work?
- Can we see the Earthbound painting your student gave you?
December 2015
- Is there a bias when picking and choosing questions? I.E. certain people/avatars, names, prior question-asking history, etc.
- Have you ever met a big YouTuber?
- How do you decide which image will be featured at the end of Fallout episodes?
- What was each of your favorite games released on StephenPlays for 2015 and just 2015 in general?
- On day 1169, you officially stopped toilet training the cats. Did you ever go back and try again? And now that it has been a few years, would you ever try again?
- Mal, how do you balance your teaching career with your work with Stephen's channel?
- If you passed away, how would you announce that and would your content continue?
- What made you guys decide to live with each other in South Carolina?
- What was the process for choosing the game to play with The Runaway Guys?
- How intense was the recording process with The Runaway Guys?
- Seeing how hard Mal works (or feeling it, in case of Mal herself!), and knowing what she goes through every school-day, does it make you retroactively appreciate the work of the teachers you had through your school years?
November 2015
- What are some cool places to see in Seattle?
- How well acquainted are you with your neighbors?
- Do we, as a community, have your permission to use the Vlog/Plays logos for the creation of in-game stuff?
- When did you officially start referring to Mallory as Mal?
- If you were ever to do another Pokemon LP, would you consider asking people in the community to make the artwork?
- If you would ever leave Myrtle Beach, where would you live? Would it be in the US?
- Does it drive you crazy that you can only play X amount of time while recording Skyrim and Fallout 4?
- Will 60fps vlogs ever be a thing?
- Mal, how have you enjoyed teaching photography and having more senior students?
- Have you ever played Telltale's The Walking Dead video game?
October 2015
- What does it mean to prepare a Let’s Play?
- When you haven’t seen a friend in a long time, is it awkward when you start talking to them again?
- You’ve had Patreon for a year now — how has it helped?
- On Day 1198 ("You're Important"), what happened at Bar-B-Que House that left you and Thomas so speechless?
- Mal, what is your skill level with french pastry? What have you made from scratch?
- What are your experiences with contact lenses?
- Did you take any graphic design classes, and do you think graphic design skills help with video production?
- Mal, how do you grade art assignments?
- What are your reasons for adding the intro to your let's plays?
- Would you ever get a third cat?
September 2015
- What is your opinion on students using pop culture in their art projects?
- Is it hard to take care of a cat? What do you dislike about taking care of cats?
- Should YouTubers hold on to raw footage?
- How did you decide on “Let’s meet back tomorrow, shall we?” as your sign off?
- How do you decide when to upload what Memorable Moment? Is there a pattern or do you just choose at random?
- Mal, what all Manga do you own? And Stephen have you ever read manga? If so what?
- What are your wedding rings made of, and what stones are in them? Thanks!
- Have you ever heard back from Charlotte, the lady you met in the flight to Detroit back in 2008?
- Mal, how did you get into gardening? Did somebody teach you or did you learn all by yourself?
- Stephen, when did you first become interested in the guitar and do you plan to keep learning?
- Mal, what is your favorite food item and custard flavor from Culver's?
- Can you both do the whip and nae nae?
August 2015
- Do you make a genuine effort to play all the retro games you get, or are they just for collecting purposes?
- What ever happened to three day weekends?
- On an average vlog day, how many minutes do you record compared to the final minute count? How long do you think a vlog should be?
- Three years ago you said you were gonna play God of War II. How much longer do we have to wait?
- What do you think about 7 Minutes With Dan?
- How did you meet Chaz and Jeff?
- Stephen, you seemed so indifferent about the announcement of EarthBound Beginnings during the vlog. What caused the lack of excitement? Did you know something about the release that we didn’t?
- What platform will the Fallout 4 LP be on?
- Will you be showcasing any mods for Fallout 4?
- Are there particular times where you have to remove your rings, or do you mostly keep them on?
- I've noticed that you've been using another font, Helvetica Neue, recently. Is this gonna phase out Railroad Gothic?
July 2015 (with Alex & Hayley)
- Hayley and Alex, when did you first start dating, and how did you meet?
- Was it weird for anyone when Hayley & Alex started dating?
- What activities would you be doing if you weren’t in relationships?
- How do you think your personalities play off of each other, both as pairs (couples and friends) as well as a group?
- Any distinct memories from earlier in your life that stand out?
- Hayley and Alex, what are your jobs?
- Did you stick with your major after you chose it, or did you switch?
- Alex, why are you so much better at picking Super Bowl winners than Stephen?
- Do you enjoy living in the city? Or do you prefer something smaller?
- Hayley, what were your experiences in the marching band, and what would you tell someone who wants to join?
- Since moving to California, what’s the most shocking way that you’ve changed? And what’s the biggest difference between San Diego and Los Angeles?
- Can you guys do a group hug?
June 2015
- How likely is another season of your Minecraft Survival LP?
- What does the word “tea” mean to you?
- What sports or outdoor activities do you wish you could do, or wish you did more?
- Mal, do you get nervous when you teach?
- How swag are you?
- Has the timing of PAX badges going on sale ever been particularly inopportune for you?
- What was a huge turning point in your life?
- Would you ever consider re-doing an old LP?
- Mal, what specific classes do you teach?
- Do you intend to revisit Ireland in the future and if so, would you visit Northern Ireland?
May 2015
- Favorite System of a Down songs?
- For your StephenVlog April Fool's Joke, is Mal "in" on them, or is she sometimes fooled by it too if you don't inform her beforehand?
- Have you ever considered making a Stephenvlog Forum?
- How does recording a lets play differ from casual gaming?
- Do you ever drink Pepsi or Pepsi products?
- Your thoughts on Dr.Pepper?
- Mal, do you ever get homesick?
- Were you serious about adding card and board games to StephenPlays?
- Do you know about the site Backloggery?
- Mal, have you done any recent art you're proud of? Ever think of covering the 'art process' on the vlog when doing it for your own enjoyment?
- Have any of your family members been in the military? If so, which branches?
- What are your opinions on Project Yooka-Laylee?
- Mal, do you have a favorite art project (assignment) that you gave your students to do? What is your favorite art movement to teach or study?
- Can you give each other a hug?
April 2015
- How do you remember what games you already own in your collection when you're out buying games?
- Mal, you went from an iPhone 5 to an iPhone 6 Plus. Have you enjoyed the switch?
- How do you handle situations where you're not allowed to film the vlog?
- Have there ever been moments you've filmed for the vlog, only to later decide against it in editing?
- How do you decide what clip from past vlogs/lets plays go into the endslates of your videos?
- What are some of your favorite PS2 games?
- High school VS College?
- Mal, whenever you draw (or paint) something from a picture, what method do you typically use to get the basic shape/proportions, or do you just estimate?
- You obviously enjoy Coca-Cola products, so what's your favorite flavor? Vanilla, cherry, lime?
- The vlog will hit Day 2000 in May -- how does that make you feel? How have your thoughts toward the vlog changed in that time?
March 2015 (with Josh Jepson)
- How did you meet Josh?
- Do you have any old videos that you find embarrassing or cringe-worthy?
- What class in video games do you tend to choose most?
- Stephen, what's it like working with Josh and vice versa?
- Josh, what's the history of your hairstyle?
- Does Josh listen to Skillet?
- If you had unlimited time to spend on each video you produced, what would change?
- How have you made such lasting friendships over the internet?
- What has been the hardest trial you've had to overcome during your YouTube career?
- What has been a life-long ambition of yours?
- If you could have dinner with anyone living or dead, who would it be?
- Was it weird seeing and hearing yourself on video when you first started? If so, how long did that feeling last?
- Stephen, can you and Josh have another awkward hug?
February 2015
- Any international travel plans in 2015?
- How would you respond to someone who says being a YouTuber isn't a real job?
- How do Sagan and Kepler do at the vet?
- What's your opinion on multi-million dollar franchises like Call of Duty, and why they continue to dominate gaming despite little to no change in each version?
- What would you guys do if you discovered it was impossible to have children?
- Do you re-watch an entire recording when editing?
- How do you cope with saying goodbye to your significant other after a visit if you're in a long-distance relationship?
- How do you choose what games to LP?
- If you could marry any celebrity who would it be?
- Stephen, will you EVER explain Surl?
January 2015
- Mal, when you record LPs with Stephen, does it feel more like work or play?
- How do you feel about people being transgender?
- What are your favorite songs to play on Dance Dance Revolution?
- You don't say "Aw piss" as often as you used to - did you intentionally change your catchphrase?
- How do you deal with a breakup?
- Stephen, did you ever plan to pursue a career with your degree, or was it always a backup plan for YouTube?
- Favorite early childhood shows?
- How did your roommates deal with your lengthy Skype sessions in college?
- What band would you like to see in concert that you haven't already?
- What is your favorite Pearl Jam song?
December 2014
- What's your favorite holiday food?
- Mal, what's your average day like as a teacher?
- When you were both in college, did you Skype everyday?
- Can we expect to see some childhood videos of Mal?
- Do you have a favorite comedian?
- Has jealousy or insecurity ever been an issue in your relationship?
- What challenges in your relationship did you work on the most in your first year of marriage? What advice do you have for engaged or newly married couples?
- If a developer is against their games being monetized and/or uploaded, does it affect your decision to LP the game?
- Do you enjoy the theory side of art, and how do you present it to your students?
- You reference Kanye West from time to time. Are you a fan, and if so, what's your favorite song?
November 2014
- What is the process in choosing the StephenPlays' Memorable Moments?
- How do you guys remain consistently positive and upbeat in all of your LPs? Have there been times when you chose not to record due to other things that were going on?
- Why did you choose to mod your Xbox over another console?
- Ian did not voice his character in Art School and has not appeared in the vlogs for a very long time. Are you still in touch?
- During Extra Life 2014, what were your thoughts on playing Mega Man X so many times? Were you surprised some popular SNES games received no donations?
- What was your reaction to a Starman being an enemy in Smash run and an Assist Trophy?
- Does Stephen always become delirious when he's tired?
- Mal, what kind of teacher are you? Would you say you run a hard class, or maybe a bit more lax?
- How do you think Let's Playing has changed over the years?
- How do you feel about vlogging for 5 years, and did you ever think it would last this long?
October 2014
- Why do vlogs get behind?
- Which gaming giant do you think will go out first?
- How do you decide on the thumbnail?
- Which PAX event do you prefer?
- What Japanese dishes do you like?
- Have you ever seriously considered starting a podcast?
- If your parents are from different states, why do you live in Myrtle Beach?
- Mal, how do you manage to juggle your job and still have time for hobbies?
- Stephen, why do you stay silent during cutscenes when you play games solo, but talk during cutscenes when you play with Mal?
- Mal, tell the buttered toast story in your own words.
September 2014
- Which of your friends has the biggest (or most creative) potty mouth?
- You played Mother 3 at launch. Did you know Japanese at the time?
- In the past you've asked your audience to help vote for different challenges, like helping Rocko win a "cutest pet contest" or voting your mother's workplace as "best spa". Do you feel it's unfair to the other participants who don't have the same following as you?
- If a viewer visits Myrtle Beach, can they take you both out to lunch?
- What League of Legends champions do you play?
- What are your thoughts on Sailor Moon Crystal?
- Now that you've finished Mother, do you think you would've portrayed Ninten differently in Loids are not Christmas? Would the project have changed at all?
- What side of the bed do you sleep on, and in what position?
- As the vlogs have progressed, have you started "planning" what the vlog titles will be or are they still mostly spontaneous?
- Do you believe in aliens?
August 2014
- Were you subscribed to any magazines when you were younger?
- What's your favorite board games, and do you prefer simple or complicated board games?
- Do you feel it was worth it to get a college degree in order to do YouTube?
- If YouTube were no longer a viable career but your audience was still interested in your content, what would your plan be?
- How does it feel when letters or comments say your videos have inspired them or helped them through a difficult time in their lives?
- Mal, how did you react to your parents divorce?
- Stephen, does Karley feel more like a sister than a sister-in-law?
- How was/is your relationship with your grandparents?
- How do you wash your clothes?
- Do you believe in ghosts?
July 2014
- What do you do with duplicate games?
- Do you worry about job security with YouTube?
- Why do you eat cupcakes with a fork?
- Do Sagan or Kepler ever bite or scratch?
- When's the right time to buy the Wii U?
- If you have children, how involved will they be with the vlog? What's your comfort level in regards to their privacy?
- What do you want in a house?
- Lays or Ruffles chips?
- What scared you as a child?
- Your dad's name is Steve - were you named after him?
- Who is better at video games?
June 2014
- Exactly how big are your hands?
- How did you get into They Might Be Giants?
- Any favorite poems or poets?
- Have you ever lost footage for an entire vlog day?
- How much stress was there while picking your wedding dress? Who did you bring with you for advice?
- How does your game collection compare to that of your friends?
- Any interest in a smart watch?
- Did you think Skyrim would take so long when you started?
- What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
- Stephen, where does the "oooh, stars above!" quote come from?
- What age would you allow your children to play "M" rated games?
May 2014
- What is your earliest childhood memory?
- Which game controller is your favorite?
- Did you have a senior trip in high school? If so, where?
- Nintendo has a "no monetize" policy. How does this affect you and other Let's Players?
- How do you avoid burnout working on your StephenPlays channel?
- Have you ever broken any bones?
- Have there ever been two vlogs with the same title? How do you avoid this?
- What were the hardest and easiest classes you took in college?
- Mal, do you ever have casual discussions with your students about video games?
- What's the worst movie you've ever seen?
- Do you feel that the StephenVlog Q&A series help you learn more about each other?
April 2014
- What was your first reaction to meeting Alex, Dan, and Taylor?
- Any car accidents or traffic tickets?
- When you monetize a video, do you have a say in what ads appear?
- Have you ever played the lottery?
- Having been apart for so many years, what's the best part of finally being together?
- Have your personalities changed much in the last 10 years?
- Can you dunk a basketball?
- What was your prom like?
- Any history with skateboarding?
- Soft or hard cookies?
March 2014
- What is your current internet speed?
- As a child, did you prefer to play Pokémon Red or Blue version?
- What is your shoe size?
- Mal, how long did it take to find employment after college?
- What's a game or series that you initially had no interest in, but eventually played and enjoyed?
- What is your favorite comfort food and why?
- How many Dan is too many Dan?
- Stephen, can you make any kind of dish better than Mal?
- How did you choose your cats from the many available?
- From Day 82 we've heard Stephen's take on how both of you met and began dating. Mal, what was your reaction to Stephen's "no wait, I love you!", and did you like him before that?
- Stephen, can you twerk?
February 2014
- If you and Mal had time to play a console game together right now, what would you play?
- Have you ever considered reading emails on StephenMail?
- What are your opinions on the Xbox One and PS4 and their launches? Which one will you purchase first and when?
- Do you ever cringe at the things you did and/or said during earlier vlogs?
- What's the story behind the black hat behind Mal on the shelf?
- How did you become interested in video editing?
- Mal, has anyone told you that you're their favorite teacher? And have you ever had a teacher's pet?
- Stephen, do you have any current affiliation with If not, what happened to your staff position?
- Pudding or Jello, and what flavor?
- Will you do another Zelda let's play?
January 2014
- What is the music you use in the background of Mail and Q&A videos?
- You use the Railroad Gothic font for everything you do on YouTube. What's the story behind that?
- When did you take the picture for your YouTube icon?
- Have you ever considered changing the designs/logos for either channel?
- How do you tell the difference between your 6 Earthbound carts?
- Stephen, you are a huge Earthbound fan, but prefer Lucas over Ness in Brawl. Why?
- What do you think of the new Smash Bros so far?
- What's your favorite Mexican dish?
- Do you prefer PC or console?
- What is the most exciting, adrenaline-filled thing that you and Mal have ever done?
December 2013 (w/ Alex & Dan)
- What were you first thoughts when meeting each other? Did you like each other at first?
- Dan, what are your future plans for your DanPlays series? And for both Dan and Alex, what are your favorite movies and TV shows at the moment?
- Do you guys get nostalgic about your dorm life sometimes? If so, what do you guys miss doing the most when you guys were all together?
- What are your favorite college memories?
- What are your favorite pizza toppings?
- Back in the day, you guys used to mention all of these "stories" during college that you never told. Can you tell one funny/strange story of something that happened during your college years together?
- Was Stephen's cooking good?
- Where did Alex get the babydoll?
- What are Dan and Alex's favorite video games?
- Did Alex and Dan have any childhood pets? Do they have pets now or are planning on getting any?
- What was your first opinion on Stephen doing the Vlog, and what is your opinion on it now?
- Why did you choose your respective major and the school you attended? Being asked this now, do you wish you had made a different decision on either regard?
- What was Stephen like in the dorm before the vlog?
- Alex, how much do you hate Stephen?
November 2013
- Is there anything you miss about Columbia, or anything you have now that you wish you had there?
- I just started 8th grade, but my parents are encouraging me to prepare for college early. I'm interested in Pathology, but that requires a doctrine. College seems threatening as an idea, and the thought of going for ten years scares me. Could you give me some tips?
- I know you don't like to talk politics, so I'll leave this question short: Do you feel a little embarrassed about the government shutdown?
- Mal, have you ever had any particularly good or bad experiences with parents?
- Do you enjoy watching sports?
- Stephen, did you grow up in the Northeast? You don't have a Southern accent like your parents.
- Since you were both apart of, what was your initial reaction to the announcement of the Mother 3 Fan Translation? What was your reaction when you first played it?
- What concert has been your favorite? What other musicians would you like to see?
- You both have good circles of friends that can mingle and have fun, but would it be weird if friends from different groups started dating?
- Have you ever had chicken pox?
- When do you plan to move out of your apartment and into a house?
- How old were you when you purchased your second copy of Earthbound? What compelled you to buy a second copy?
October 2013
- Do you ever get hurtful or offensive comments, especially now that the vlog has more views?
- What console do you like the least?
- You should create a page somewhere on your channel that answers the repetitive questions you get asked, like your equipment and such.
- Mal, what is your favorite piece of art that you've made? Stephen, which one of Mal's do you like the most?
- Mal, what is your opinion on your students expressing themselves via what they wear? In other words, what is your opinion on the dress code at your school, and have you ever enforced it?
- What are the things that you enjoy most in life?
- Mal, was it hard to major in education?
- You both play games that are intended for younger audiences (like Nintendo) as well as more mature audiences. Which do you prefer to play?
- Did you ever have dental work done when you were younger?
- What should a first time gardener attempt to grow? Also what is your favorite fruit and vegetable?
September 2013
- What are your favorite Girl Scout cookies?
- What did Ian and Nick major in at SCAD?
- Stephen, with Karley and Mal both being teachers, and you wanting to be a teacher when you were younger, would you ever consider becoming a teacher? Mal, if you had the opportunity to be a full-time artist, would you?
- Have you ever felt self conscious about your weight? Not so much being overweight, but more thinking you're underweight.
- What game(s) do you really want to play, but haven't for whatever reason?
- Are you guys acting? Sometimes it seems like you are.
- What food would you never get sick of eating?
- When things get really busy you always keep up on the let's plays and let the vlogs get behind. Why?
- How have your subscriber's tonality, interest, questioning, and curiosity developed over the years since you launched the vlog? In all, how has your community evolved from then to now?
- What is puppy chow, and can we get the recipe?
August 2013 (with Karley)
- What were your first thoughts when you found out your sister was dating someone she met on the internet? What did you think of Stephen when you first met him?
- Karley, what made you decide on the current major you are studying? What was your inspiration? Also, how do you like Myrtle Beach? Are you one to enjoy the sun or prefer the snowy regions?
- Karley, I'm thinking about studying abroad at the University of Limerick. Tell me about it!
- Karley, what is your favorite childhood memory with Mal?
- Karley, what's your favorite video game?
- Do you guys like horror movies? If so, what are some of your favorites?
- Karley and Mal: We have seen Stephen raving about his Mom's food quite often, but are there any dishes you remember your parents making that you really like (or liked)?
- What is your favorite vegetable, fruit and/or meat? Also Karley, what was your favorite food in Ireland?
- What is your favorite snack foods and are they different now from when you were younger?
- Stephen, are you ever jealous that Mal has a sibling and you don't? Mal and Karley, did you ever wish you were only children?
- Do you have an item that you've kept since childhood that is special to you?.
- What did you want to be as a kid, and when did you realize you wanted to pursue your current careers?
July 2013
- What were some of your favorite television shows during your childhood?
- Does Mal ever use the StephenVlog/Plays account to respond to comment/messages?
- What caused Mal to take a 5th year to graduate? Did Mal watch every vlog during those years?
- I just saw one of your old vlogs where you said you drink tea together every morning: what tea do you drink?
- Stephen does your Mom still make the same food today that she made when you were a kid? If so, do you still like all of it or have you started to dislike some of it?
- Which region specific restaurants (independently owned or chains) would you miss if you had to leave the area?
- Are you and Mal outdoorsy at all (nature walks, hikes, gardening, etc.) or more of a stay cozy at home types?
- When you were young kids, did your parents play video games with you or have a certain video game that they would play?
- Do you guys prefer video game music, or actual songs better?
- How heavily do you sleep? Are you a morning person?
- Do you prefer kittens or full grown cats?
- Stephen, did you get your height from a specific person in your family, or is it just kind of a freak thing?
June 2013
- Have you ever been suspended or in trouble for anything in or outside of school?
- What do you think of Emile's cats Teddy and Kirby and how do they compare to Sagan and Kep?
- Did you get your mother's or father's genes?
- Stephen, do you have another phobia aside from hydrophobia? Mal, do you have any phobias?
- At Cracker Barrel, do you prefer the buttermilk biscuits or the corn muffins?
- Stephen, when did you start wearing button-up shirts? Mal, where do you get your sense of style?
- If you could alter the past, would you?
- Stephen, has anyone avoided you because they are uncomfortable being on camera?
- Did you join any clubs or sports in school and what was the job you wanted your whole life?
- Stephen, how did you know that Mal was the right person you wanted to spend the rest of your life with?
- Do you ask for clothing for gifts or do you just happen to receive it?
- How did Mal discover the Earthbound / Mother series?
May 2013
- Stephen, what is your favorite Mario Party minigame?
- Did you understand the Irish people's accents when you were there? Did they understand your accent?
- If both of you could create a perfect breakfast, what would it consist of?
- Is there anything that Mallory likes about South Carolina? Alternatively, is there anything that you, Stephen, like about Wisconsin?
- What do you guys remember the most about that awkward first car ride together? Stephen, what is the longest period of time that you stayed awake for?
- Did you guys have any compromises you had to make when you first moved in together? Did you get any negative attention for being engaged/getting married young? If so, how did you deal with it?
- When are you going to buy a 3Ds or Wii U?
- Did you guys have any imaginary friends?
- How many They Might Be Giants songs could you recite by heart?
- Before the vlog began, was there ever a day you wished you could've captured on film?
April 2013
- Mal, when you first met Stephen in real life and saw he was this 6'6" giant, what was your first impression?
- Stephen, you and Mal are from different regions of the country. What are your favorite things about your respective regions?
- Would you guys, if you could, adopt Thomas?
- What is your favorite number?
- Stephen, has Karley ever played Earthbound?
- How did you decide which art was used for each Pokemon (for Leaf Green)? Did everyone simply pick their favorites?
- Mal, have you beaten Sonic 3 for the Genesis? And what are the games you remember the most for that console? And do you enjoy listening to Chiptunes/8-bit music?
- Back in the college vlogs, Dan managed to capture Stephen punching the wall as he slept. Mal, have you seen any other similar "sleep-walking / sleep-boxing" occurrences since you've been together?
March 2013
- Mal, I think you hair is really pretty, is it naturally colored and straight like that?
- Mal, what makeup do you wear?
- Stephen, what was it like meeting Mal's family for the first time?
- What are some of the things you do in Minecraft? Are you any good with redstone?
- Have you ever lived through any Natural Disasters?
- If you had a million dollars, but could only buy a house, what kind of house would you want to live in?
- If you guys had to leave the house immediately and could only grab 3 things each before you left, what would you grab?
- Have you ever considered doing a cross country road trip to visit all your minor characters from the vlogs? If so, which states (or countries, if applicable) would you have to travel to?
- You mentioned once that you were in the UK for a week. Where were you and what sights did you see?
- Stephen, this is an extremely important question. Did we ever find out what color the carpet was?
February 2013
- How do you feel about a lot of people starting channels with names similar to yours, like (Insert name here)Plays, or (Insert name here)Vlog?
- If you had a week to live what would you do? If someone gave you all the money you wanted, what would you do with the money? Would you even take the money?
- What is the most obscure game you've played and like/dislike?
- What were you doing when 9/11 and Columbine happened?
- Hey Stephen, you live in a good ol' bible belt South Carolina! Have you ever considered buying a gun?
- What are your thoughts on Skype and long distance relationships?
- Stephen and Mal, what are some of the most important lessons you learned from owning kitties?
- Mallory, how's teaching going? I know you've switched schools this year with the move to Myrtle Beach, but how are you liking it, how are your students and how is it different (if at all) from your past teaching experiences?
- Stepehn, would you rather fight one-hundered tiny duck sized horses or one horse sized duck?
- I've noticed that Stephen is quite the song writer, how many songs have you written approximately? Also, has Mal ever written a song?
- Stephen and Mal could you describe your work schedule on a regular day?
January 2013
- What are your favorite kind of chips?
- Stephen, what's the best food Mallory has ever made?
- What was your favorite and/or best christmas gift(s) you have received?
- If you had to leave South Carolina, and you couldn't move to Wisconsin, where would you want to live (In either the US or Canada)?
- Mal, since you seem very creative, do you ever personalize your stuff by hand?
- Which African-American actor has the most relaxing voice to you?
- How long have you been playing Minecraft?
- What are your favorite mobile games?
- Nintendo Power (the magazine) is dead. Are you saddened by the loss?
- Of all the cats in the shelter, why did you guys choose Sagan and Kepler?
(There is no December 2012 - the naming structure changed so Dec 2012 became Jan 2013).
November 2012
- Who is your favorite Dragonball Z character?
- Mallory, have you read anything good lately? Stephen, you know what I'm going to ask.
- Were you ever into acting in high school?
- When did you first start cooking/learn how to cook? And what was the first thing you learned how to make?
- As a film school graduate would you say it's true that you can't watch movies the same way again?
- What's Myrtle Beach like?
- Would you rather have a baby boy or a baby girl?
- Favourite Fish? Alive or for eating doesn't matter.
- What is your favorite artist and do you remember how you were introduced to the artist?
- What is your favorite Hayao Miyazaki/Studio Ghibli film?
- Have you ever wanted a sibling, Stephen? Mal, did you ever want more siblings?
- Mal, did you ever get in many fights with Karley? If so, could you tell us the memorable ones?? :)
- What are you thankful for?
October 2012
- Are you right or left handed?
- What was your normal afternoon as a teen after school?
- Did you ever ditch school as a kid or yell at a teacher?
- I love art and I was thinking about going to SCAD. Would you recommend it? Are the classes good? What was your favorite part about it?
- How is the college debt coming along? Have you paid it off yet? Stephen: Will you ever go back to editing music videos? Mallory: Was it ever odd that you pursued fine arts (although you're proficient in the sciences) and your sister (I think?) pursued graduate studies in Physics? (I Think?) or does it just boil down to interest?
- Mal, how did your parents feel about you dating Stephen?
- Have you either loved someone else before you met each other?
- What Disney character would you describe yourself as?
- Stephen, are you planning anything special for the three-year anniversary of the vlog?
September 2012 (with Stephen's Parents)
- Was Stephen always a good boy and are there any funny stories from his childhood you can share?
- When Stephen showed interest in video games, did you support it from the beginning or did you gradually accept it?
- What was the worst thing Stephen did as a child?
- This question applies to you, Mal and your dad: in your opinion, what is the absolute best dish that Mama Georg makes?
- How tall was Stephen when he was born? Can we see a pic of infant Stephen? And what was his most favorite baby food?
- What's the story of how your parents met?
- What did you think of the vlog when Stephen started doing it? Do you watch them now?
- Also what is your favorite vlog so far? Mine is when Stephen proposed to Mal.
- Was it awkward to be on the vlogs at the beginning? Is it still awkward?
- What was Stephen's first word?
- Can you play any musical instruments?
- How did you react to Stephen dating a "girl from the internet" and what did you think of it at the time?
- When Stephen was getting serious with Mallory and eventually married her, what was the experience like to gain a daughter?
August 2012
- Mal, who was your housecarl while you were playing Skyrim?
- Stephen, what do you absolutely positively love about Mallory? Mallory, what do you absolutely positively love about Stephen?
- Who are your favourite characters in Super Smash Bros?
- Did you two have trouble learning to type? Next, Stephen, how are you so comfortable with your parents? Mal, are you comfortable with yours?
- Have you seen the new screenshots for GTA 5, and are you excited for GTA 5?
- Is Karley a gamer?
- What made you guys get cable in the new apartment?
- Do any of your friends act differently off camera?
- Mallory, when you first heard Stephen say that he loves you, what was your reaction?
- You eat so much food on the vlog, is there anything you DON'T like?
- What science classes did you take in high school and college? Which one was your favorite?
- Between the two of you, who is in charge of everything, or is it a team thing?
- How much of a Dr. Who fan are you? Do you have a favorite doctor, and do you have a favourite episode or a favourite enemy?
- What was your favorite part of PAX?
July 2012
- What are your favorite Toonami shows, and what do you think about it coming back to television?
- Was Mallory ever in marching band?
- What is your favorite song or tune from the Mother series?
- Stephen, you rarely show what you drink while you eat. Why?
- How do you have songs from games like Super Mario Sunshine and Super Smash Bros. Brawl on your iPod?
- Are you guys planning anything special for your anniversary?
- How long have you been collecting Super Nintendo games and how many do you have?
- How many pairs of shoes do you have?
- Why don't you hang out with Alex anymore?
- Was there ever a point in your relationship where Stephen considered moving to Wisconsin, or the two of you moving somewhere else entirely?
- Stephen, is your dad as serious as he looks?
- Stephen, do you read every comment posted on your let's plays?
- Do you love me? Also, my accent is strong because I want it to be strong! I love my accent! -Karley
June 2012
- Earlier you had stated there'd be a director's cut for your TGS Network Spotlight, but you haven't released it. Did you not want to do it?
- Why is Stephen usually the one driving?
- I was watching some of your old videos and noticed you used to have a fairly thick accent. Did you simply outgrow it or was it a conscious effort to speak without it?
- Was it awkward the first time you met your roommates from college?
- Do you guys have any secret talents?
- Did you ever watch Digimon at any point of your life? And what cartoon did you like as a child?
- What are some crazy dreams you and Mal have had?
- Do you think you would make a narrative video anytime soon, like some of the ones you used to make?
- What is your favorite character from the Mother series? Mal: I recalled that you had a black cat while growing up. Can you describe the qualities that the kitty had?
- Why did/does your mother choose to practice vegetarianism?
May 2012
- So far, what is your favorite movie of 2012?
- What is your favorite shirt you've designed?
- How do you psych yourself up to do LPs?
- Since you guys have both conquered college, do you have any general advice?
- Stephen, you say that you do not want to alter your state of mind with alcohol. What do you think of staying up really late at night editing videos? In that moment, is your state of mind significantly altered from your well-rested morning mind? What, for you, counts as an "altered state of mind"?
- More Story Time!
- Do you have any favorite childhood memories? Did you usually spend your childhood playing videogames or did you spend it doing other activities/events?
- Do you ever curse?
- Who inspires you?
- Why did you choose the Savannah SCAD instead of the Atlanta SCAD?
- What do you think about your fan base compared to other YouTube channels?
- If you had to choose between a komodo dragon and a boa constrictor as a pet, which would you choose?
- What genres of film do you both like best and what genre of game do you like best? Has this at all changed from childhood and do you think that says anything about how you've changed or matured as you got older?
- Do you and Mal ever fight?
- Can you "spit" a free style rap? Or maybe write a quick 8 bars?
April 2012
- Have you ever been asked to stop filming somewhere or been kicked out of somewhere for filming?
- Stephen, have you ever farted in front of Mal?
- What band/song got you interested in music?
- Do you ever drink alcohol?
- You've done the vlog for nearly 2 and a half years now, have you ever been tired of doing it? If so, what kept you going?
- Do you own a 3DS?
- Did you ever get detention in school?
- Will Mal do a single-player LP in the future? If not, what co-op games do you have planned for the future?
- Have either of you been recognized while vlogging?
- Who was your inspiration to pursue your dream in the film industry?
- What are your nationalities?
- Will there be any more LPs in 2012 or is the schedule full?
- Advice for coming out of the closet?
- If we "skip" an advertisement, does it make any difference toward how much you earn?
- Mal, I'm currently enrolled in a course where we create a curriculum. Do you have to create your own curriculum for the class you teach or are you provided with one? Also, do you have to create your own lesson plans, and if so, how comfortable are you with preparing them?
- What is life like as an editor? You create all this content every day and haven't gotten burnt out from it yet.
March 2012
- If YouTube never existed, what would you be doing now?
- Do you and Mal ever get into arguments?
- On the 521 bonus video Alex scared the crap out of you! Were you talking to Mallory on Skype then? If so, Mallory what was your reaction?
- Did you know Mallory in high school?
- Stephen, how much of what you film each day do you actually keep? Do you film a lot of footage and then just keep the best parts?
- What did your parents think when they found out you two were dating over the internet?
- When did you first think about proposing to Mal, and were you scared when you did? Did you worry she might say no?
- Did "Argyl" come from a segment on Galaxy News Radio in Fallout 3?
- What are your favorite drinks?
- What are your favorite types ofmusic genres?
- Would you ever change the feel of the vlog in order to appeal to a larger audience?
- How do you feel being in a long distance relationship affected your relationship, and how long did you both know each other before you got married? Was it weird to tell people who didn't know about it, and what would you say to someone in a long distance relationship right now?
- My fiancé is a first year teacher just like Mal, and tends to have trouble with the kids in her classes. Do you have any strategies or tips for classroom control? Also, we're looking for places to honeymoon later this year. I suggested going to Myrtle Beach. Since you've lived there, do you have any recommendations or activities to do in town?
- Do you feel artists should also get a business degree to increase their chances of being taken seriously? And if so, what level degree?
- Do you prefer to draw traditionally or digitally?
- What do you do in on your free time?
February 2012
- Favorite Zelda game?
- Would you consider doing Memorable Moments on Ninten Plays Minecraft?
- How many copies of Earthbound do you currently own?
- What ever happened to the Wiki?
- Mallory tends to always do LPs of games with you, especially this year. Has she ever found it tiring or just wouldn't want to record with you?
- Do you have a collection of some sort? (eg. comic books/DVDs) and if so, would you do a video of your collection?
- Will you attend PAX Prime, and if so, will you do a meetup?
- What advice do you have for a Freshman Graphic Design Major?
- Mal what age group do you prefer to teach and Stephen what kinds of film to do you prefer to shoot/direct/edit?
- Does Mallory have any advice on art and college?
- Can you name some of the most underrated games in your guys's opinions?
- What was your editing skill when you went to college?
- What is your favorite restaurant/food place and food?
- Who's the better artist?
- Mal, why did you decide to become an Art Instructor to young children? Was art something you've always had a passion for or were you inspired by someone? Would you say having an occupation in the "Arts" field is practical? I'm conflicted over my college major. I'm currently a Broadcast Journalism major but I'm debating whether to switch over to BFA Graphic Design. It's practical vs passion. Help?
- When you began StephenPlays last year, what were your first impressions about doing Let's Plays up to then? Did you have first impressions when you began the vlog back in 2009? Mal, did you have any inspiration for becoming an art teacher from when you were little? Or inspiration for being an artist at all?
January 2012
- Do llama's eat cacti on Mondays?
- Were you the friend that dared Chugga to make videos on YouTube?
- Do you and Mallory ever use profanity off camera?
- What types of Magic packs should I buy to start a collection?
- Stephen, how did you find out you had Marfan's?
- When are you adopting Hayley? (Vlog #388)
- Stephen, do you have any plans on learning how to drive Mallory's manual? And for Mallory, do you prefer manual or automatic?
- For StephenPlays, why did you decide to post a video everyday? It seems like a lot of work to start out LPing with. Also, why do they come out at noon?
- If you could go back in time, what date would you go to and why?
- Do you like waffles?
- Are you going to upload Phoenix Beyond? Or is it still going through festivals?
- Mallory, what are your personal opinions of Stephen's life as being self-employed full time on YouTube? Did you ever imagine this life before you got married? And what will you do when you guys decide to have kids?
- In your December 2011 Q&A video you talked about a list with games that you highly consider doing a LP of, but they aren't on your online list. Can you name a couple games which are on that list?
- Do you think that your voice sounds strange on camera, or have you gotten used to it?
- Would you consider playing electric guitar?
- What is your favourite pokemon and why?
- Have you guys ever tried to teach Karley how to play Magic?
- You convinced me to buy Skyrim and now I love it! Are there any other games that you would recommend for the 360?
December 2011
- Would you rather have a Mr. Saturn for a pet, a 3D remake of EarthBound, or a Portal Gun?
- Are you Kirby fans? If so, what is your favorite Kirby game? And out of all the characters in Mario Kart, which character do you like to use the most?
- Do you like Bob Saget from Full House?
- Would you ever consider live streaming through Twitch or Justin.TV? Also, would you ever consider making a StephenVlog/Plays IRC Chatroom?
- Would you ever consider doing an editing tutorial?
- Do you ever tire of doing that "call to action" that wraps up each of your LP videos?
- Stephen, would you ever consider buying and/or let's playing Katamari Damacy?
- What's your new year's resolution?
- Where did you get the name xfisjmg1?
- When will the Pokemon LP come out?
- Stephen, how old are you?
- Out of the 3 Mother games, which one is your personal favorite?
- Do you have any plans to create more YouTube channels?
- What is the StephenVlog and StephenPlays font?
- What advice do you have for being a good Let's Player?
- You said you have very long legs, so how fast can you run a mile? What is your best mile run time ever?
- Would you ever consider doing an LP of Donkey Kong Country Returns? What about Half-Life 1, or the new free DLC for Portal 2?
November 2011
- What are your plans for Christmas & New Years? Are you visiting Florida in the near future? Also, favorite desserts?
- Were you an honors student in high school? Have you ever played Banjo-Kazooie? Would you consider doing an LP on it?
- On StephenPlays, why is it that you say "highly consider subscribing"?
- Have you ever got an F in any of your classes?
- Would you ever do a Pokémon LP?
- I watched this entire video. Because I am drunk. Would you rather go to the moon or back in time?
- Mal, do you ever plan on doing solo LPs?
- What are your favorite They Might Be Giants songs
- What is your favorite aspect (personality wise) about each other?
- Do you want to get cats from a shelter or adopt them as kittens?
- What are your favorite cereals?
- What are your favorite brands of clothing?
- What colors do you play in Magic?
- How often do you keep in touch with Fangamer staff?
- What's it like living with Marfan's?
- Did either of you get into science?
- Should you watch other vloggers to become better?
- What do you guys think of Chulip (PS2 game)?
- Do you know NintendoCapriSun or ProtonJon? Will we see more famous LPers on the vlog?
- How are you both sitting at the same elevation? Isn't the height difference like a foot?
October 2011
- Are you guys thinking of doing more Minecraft vids after the LP ends, like custom maps?
- What is your favorite cartoon on television?
- Have you tried Final Cut Pro X? If not, what's keeping you from buying it?
- What is your next LP?
- What did you do to earn money while in college?
- Mallory, if you do plan on teaching high-school students, do you think that it would be awkward if some of them found/watched the vlog?
- You have hydrophobia, so did you ever learn to swim?
- Stephen, when would you end the vlog?
- When you played Magic regularly, how long did you have to travel to get to a card shop? How often did you play?
- What happened to your tumblr and MeStephen?
- When and where did you and Mallory meet? Was it hard to keep a long distance relationship?
- I know you're both cat people, but would you ever consider getting a dog, provided the living and financial circumstances are right for it? If so, what kind of dog?
- What are both of your favorite kinds of chocolate bars and/or other candy?
- What got you into vlogging? Who or what inspired you to start?
- Which game are you more excited to play when it's released: Halo Anniversary or Skyrim?
- Stephen and Mal, how tall are you?
- If you could narrow it down to one card, what is your favorite Magic card?
- What are the specs of your computer?
September 2011
- Mal, what kind of art do you like (excluding photography)?
- How do you think your feelings for vlogging has changed from Day 0 to present?
- Where do you and Mal see yourselves in 15 years, career and family-wise?
- Would you ever be interested in playing Dungeons and Dragons?
- Would you ever consider doing LP's of classic games, like Megaman, Castlevania, or even old Zelda games? Also, do you own a Gamecube?
- Do you like Nintendo, Microsoft, or Sony the most?
- What is your biggest fear in the world?
- Are you a brony?
- What nationality are you?
- How do you know Chuggaaconroy?
- Would you consider having guest stars on the Minecraft LP?
- Mal, would you start your own channel?
- Have you ever dropped your camera while making a vlog? We see you walking with it a lot, how heavy is it?
- Have you considered doing an LP of any MMORPGs?
- Stephen, was Mallory your first girlfriend? Same question applies to Mallory.
August 2011
- Have you always been interested in computers and video games?
- What was the first video game you ever played, and what was the experience like for you?
- What kind of car do you drive?
- What's your favorite kinds of pie? (top 3)
- How did you start playing Magic? Mal, any tips for someone who wants to major in photography?
- What was the first and/or most romantic moment you and Mallory shared?
- What made you choose Earthbound over Mother 3?
- Mal, would you prefer it if Stephen didn't have a vlog?
- How is the job hunt going?
- How did you get into editing?
- Do you follow the vlogbrothers? Also, are you a Harry Potter fan?
- Do you still keep in contact with Katon, MatCab and lewahi? Who is your favorite character from Earthbound?
- Which would you rather work for, Black Mesa or Aperture Science?
- How do I play L4D2 with you on Steam?
- Why vlogging?
- When did you first get Earthbound and how?
- How did you and Mal meet each other? What is your favorite food? Mal, what made you decide to become a teacher?
- When did you figure out you wanted to be an editor?
- What would you recommend to people wanting to approach a long term project such as your vlog / stephenplays / dailypack? Have these long term projects only continued due to monetary gain? Why do you think you are so dedicated to the many projects you do?
- What pokemon or magic creature would you want as a pet?
- What is your favorite Magic card in?
- Is art school good?
- Would you ever consider playing Limited formats in Magic Workstation with viewers?
- When are you having children?
- How tall are you?
- Do you have any idea when Phoenix Beyond will be up and available for us to watch?
- What is your second favorite video game?
- Are there any games that you have not played, but really want to?
- What is your dream video game?
- How many years have you and Mal been playing Magic? What set did each of you start in? What is each of your favorite magic cards?
- Have you heard of Super Meat Boy and would you consider doing an LP of it?
- What does my dream mean?
- Will you be having a Minecraft Server open for the viewers eventually?
- Which major YouTubers do you watch?
- What was your inspiration to start doing LPs? What was the first LP you ever watched?
- What is your favorite Zelda cover art? Favorite football team?
- What is your favorite movie?
- Can you explain how to get a multiplayer mincraft server?
- Have you ever played Mother 1?
- If you were on an island and was only able to bring three things with you what would they be? What is your favorite genre of video games and why?
- What is your favorite type of fish to eat?
- What's the best game you've ever played?
- What's your favorite part of Earthbound and why?
- When Mallory is working, what are you doing during that time? Searching for jobs or playing hard core Left 4 Dead?
- Thoughts on Minecraft Update 1.8?
- What are you most and least excited for in 1.8?
- Expectations for Innistrad in Magic the Gathering?
- Ninten Speaks! One more for the fans! If you still have the shirt.
- Where is some place you'd really love to vacation in?
- What's the progress of the possibility of the SSBB co-op LP, have you fixed the issue?
- Are you ever going to play with your fans on Minecraft?
- Have you ever played Minecraft custom maps? And would you consider playing them for the LP channel?
- What is one random thing we don't know about you?
- Would you consider making a video in the future where you show how to edit videos?
- What do you love to cook/bake the most? Do you like watching cooking shows to get ideas for recipes?
- What kind of toothpaste do you guys use?