Want to send mail? You've come to the right place!Send mail to:
Stephen & Mallory Georg
PO Box 1811
Cary, NC 27512
Please use the PO Box address above! However, in the event you're using a service that doesn't deliver to PO Boxes, you can use this mailing address instead:
Stephen & Mallory Georg
150 Wrenn Dr #1811
Cary, NC 27511
Before you send mail, please read over the sections below.
General Info
We've been receiving mail from viewers for over a decade! We regularly release a video of us opening letters and packages. Folks from all over the world regularly send in a variety of things. While we can't guarantee every letter or package will make the video, we try to include as much as we can!
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How does this work?
A: Viewers send us letters and packages. We open these on StephenVlog.
Q: What can we send?
A: People normally send letters, art, fridge magnets, video games, or movies. If you wish to send us food, please understand that it must be pre-packaged. A special candy bar from your country is fine, but please don't bake us brownies. It's partially a safety precaution, but also ensures the food is less likely to go bad.
Q: My food is perishable!
A: If your food has an incredibly short shelf-life (under a month) then it's best not to send it. Likewise, avoid sending anything that is unlikely to survive, like cheese or ice cream.
Q: I want to send a recipe!
A: We're collecting recipes for a possible cookbook! If you'd like your recipe to potentially be included, please fill out a release form and send it along with your recipe!
Q: I want to send a video game!
A: You are free to send whatever you'd like, but you might want to check out our Collection page. You may have something we're missing! That'd be rad. We trade in duplicates to our local video game store and get other video games, though - so even your duplicates help!
Q: I want to send a board/card game!
A: Like above, you should check out our Collection page to see what we've already got!
Q: I want to send a movie!
A: As before, we list all our Blu-Rays on the Collection page. That'll let you know if we have something or not!
Q: I want to send a shirt! What sizes do you wear?
A: Stephen wears a Men's Large. Mal typically wears a Women's Medium or a Men's Small.
Q: Any food allergies?
A: Mal is allergic to peanuts, but as long as the food you send is properly labeled (bonus points if you make note of it in your letter), it'll be fine. Mal can be around peanuts, she just can't eat them. (Stephen, however, loves peanuts.)
Q: Any other allergies?
A: Yes! Mal is very, very allergic to latex (rubber). These days, most things are fortunately made with silicone instead, but please double-check on anything you're not sure of. We kindly request that you do not send us rubber items.
Q: Will my letter be read on video?
A: Letters are read on-camera at our own discretion, and may be edited for brevity. If you'd like us to read your letter (or a section of your letter) privately, please make that very clear in the letter itself.
Q: Will you give out my personal information?
A: Everyone who sends in a letter or package will have their first name, city and state shown at the end of the video. If you include your YouTube channel in your letter, it may also be shown on-screen. No last names or full addresses are released on video. If you'd like any combination of your first name, city, or state omitted from the video, please include that information at the top of your letter.
Q: I live in another country! Can I still send mail?
A: Of course! We regularly receive mail from all over the world.
Q: Can I have something shipped to you (from Amazon, for example)?
A: Yes, but please include a gift message and let us know it's from you!
Q: You know [person]! Can I send them a letter or package through you?
A: No. Do not send us other people's mail. Related, please only address your letters to Stephen and Mallory Georg. Other names (even if Georg is included) run the risk of being returned by the USPS. It's happened before!
Q: Are there rules for letters?
A: No rules, but we kindly ask that you keep your letter to just a paragraph or two. Longer letters are fine, but we won't be able to read the entire thing on video.
Q: When do mail videos go up?
A: Sometimes every month, sometimes every quarter. It depends largely on how busy we are and how much mail there is.
Thanks for reading, and we can't wait to see what you've sent!